Bleeding may occur within the first 3 months of pregnancy in a quarter of pregnant women.

Although we can see the baby and the heartbeat on the ultrasound, bleeding in early pregnancy is annoying and we call it the threat of miscarriage. Bleeding is a warning sign for miscarriage.

If the bleeding is severe, the risk of losing the pregnancy is about 50%.

In lighter and temporary bleeding, the risk of losing that pregnancy is approximately 7-8%.

Other risks are also increased in pregnant women who have bleeding in early pregnancy and who are still pregnant.

Medical studies show that pregnant women who have bleeding in the first 3 months of pregnancy increase the risk of premature birth and developmental delay in the baby in the following weeks. For this reason, if you have had bleeding in the first months of your pregnancy, even if the bleeding has passed, you should follow up carefully in terms of risks in the following weeks.

I wish you healthy days.