Today, multiple pregnancies are more common as a result of the widespread use of infertility treatments. We also have a large number of patients who received treatment in our clinic and became pregnant with twins, triplets, quadruplets or even quintuplets. Among them we see the twin pregnancies most. The first thing we tell our patients who have had multiple pregnancies as a result of treatment, either from outside or from our clinic, is that they are now “risky” pregnancy and we follow up accordingly.

In twin pregnancies, all pregnancy risks increase compared to singleton pregnancies.

• Abortion,
• Preterm birth,
• High blood pressure of pregnancy (preeclampsia),
• Anterior location of the placenta (placenta previa),
• Premature separation of the placenta,
• Organ anomalies in fetuses
• Chromosomal disorders,

The risk of one or both babies dying in the womb increases. Therefore, special follow-up is required.

The most common complication is premature birth. Twin pregnancies are usually ended at Weeks, Triplets are usually born at 33 weeks and quadruplets at 31 weeks. For this reason, babies should be taken to the neonatal intensive care unit for a while after birth.

As you know, twin pregnancies are divided into monozygotic and fraternal twins. While identical twins are identical siblings and are always the same sex, fraternal twins are just as similar and do not necessarily have to be the same sex.

We evaluate all multiple pregnancies with a detailed ultrasound examination in terms of both the type of twinning and the exclusion of organ anomalies. Please do not neglect the detailed ultrasound examination.

In addition to the negative conditions mentioned above, fatal complications such as twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, acardiac twinning and conjoined twins can develop in monozygotic twins during pregnancy. I repeat, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, acardia and conjoined twins are observed only in identical twins and not in fraternal twins.

Because of all these risks, the follow-up of twin pregnancies should be done under the supervision of a physician specialized in risky pregnancies. In addition, the delivery must be carried out in a hospital with neonatal intensive care facilities.

I wish you healthy days.